Friday, August 2, 2013

Black and White - Photographs Sometimes Lie

Someone sent me this photo a couples weeks ago. 

Probably taken in the late 1960's, I'm guessing 1968.  I'm sitting on my Dad's lap.  My younger sister on my Mom's lap, while my older sister is in the back. This is a rare photo of my family.  I don't remember it being taken and it is only one I have of us together.

My parents divorced in the early 1970's (1972?).

The picture depicts a typical family sitting down with smiles. We really weren't that kind of family as I would find out a few years later.

When I see the pictures on Instagram and Facebook everyone is documenting snatches of time to show their friends.  I've read that people can become discontent with their own lives while looking at those sites - everyone else seems to be so happy and nobody has any problems.

Pictures sometimes lie.

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