Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Hiking the McKenzie Trail - Tamolitch Pool

This weekend we hiked part of the McKenzie Trail. We set off in high spirits, expecting a fun time.
The ladies setting off
The weather was perfect - sunny and warm but not hot. Peter and I were outnumbered by the ladies - Gina, Autumn, Hanni and Emily.  We didn't leave until after 10 am so the group was well rested.  When we arrived at the trail head and there were about 20 cars already parked.  We stuffed the food and water into the backback and started the trek to Tamolitch Pool.  A 4 mile hike through forest and alongside the McKenzie.

Autumn trying to stay out of camera range
Before leaving last minutes phone calls and texts were attempted.  I can tell you there is no coverage up here so there is no point in even trying. 

It took us about 1.5 hours to drive from Eugene. Of course we had to stop for one bathroom break.  When I was younger Dad/Husband I hated stopping but now that I've matured, I'll stop about every hour.  I call this wisdom gained through experience.

Hanni standing by her tree

The first place we stopped was next to this tree. Last year we hiked the trail and took a picture of Hanni next to the same tree.  Back then Hanni could stand inside the tree.  No more. She has grown so much in just 12 months.

We leisurely walked the trail. I"m always the slowest and everyone has to stop at least once to wait for me to catch up.
Stopping to enjoy the wonder
This trail is so beautiful everyone stops to take pictures and enjoy the view and smell. Did I mention it smells wonderful in the forest.  I can feel the stress leaving my body with every step.  My whole attitude improves with each minute in the beauty of God's creation.  Here are few pictures along the walk.

The destination of this short hike is Tamolitch Pool.  Here is a glimpse as we approach it.
Tamolitch Pool in the Background. Notice the Blue Color
When we arrived we stopped took a few photographs:

Here are the lovely ladies standing at the rim.  It is hard to tell due to the clarity of the water but it is good 80 foot drop to the pool.
Doesn't everyone looks happy to be there.  And this was before eating lunch. Trust me - we were hungry.

A couple picture of the Blue Pool without people blocking the view.
Looking Down on the Pool.  See how small the people look in the background!
The Water is Clear and COLD!
Before eating lunch, we tried to find a way down to pool surface.  We saw the group down by the water edge and wanted to get down there if possible. Not so easy. After hiking another 30 minutes we arrived back at the rim to eat lunch.  After dining on food, I picked up at Trader Joe's earlier, I set off alone to get down to the surface.

I made it there, exhausted.  I'm not young anymore. My reward was getting to take a couple more pictures.

If you look closely you can see a person standing on the rim - it is in the top center of the photo.  That is about the spot the earlier picture of the ladies was snapped.

I took this one right at the edge of the pool.  The water is very, very clear.  It is really deep here.  A couple crazy people jumped in and told me it was freezing.  I think the temperature is mid 30's. 

I put my hands in and washed off my face. It was refreshing and it removed any temptation to dive in.

After lingering a long while we started the hike out.  By this time we were thirsty, having already finished our water.  So we were ready to get back to the car and water waiting for us.

Here is one last picture - Beauty and Beauty And Beauty.
Gina and Emily - McKenzie Trail

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